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With your donation today, Russian Riverkeeper will work to:

Defend our rivers, streams, wetlands, and ocean by providing science-based advocacy and by influencing policy to better protect our watershed and more equitably share water.

Adapt to climate change. We must improve our ability to capture water when we get it and store it underground for future use. We encourage perpetual conservation habits, building on past efforts to permanently reduce use.

Tackle trash. Our Clean Team removes trash from the river 5 days a week and mobilizes hundreds of volunteers to help at special cleanup events throughout the year.  Trash strangles our river ecosystem, our ocean, and the local economy that depends on clean water.

Restore healthy habitat to reduce flooding, keep our water clean and abundant, increase public recreation, and improve our climate resilience.

Educate & empower youth to become our next generation of environmental stewards.

Registration closes: Wednesday, October 30, 2024

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